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The Official Ambassador for LED Lenser Japan!


It comes with great pleasure to announce that I have become the official Japanese LED Lenser Ambassador! LED Lenser is the world leader in handheld torches and other products. They have started an Ambassador program with 7 Ambassadors spread across the globe. I feel honored to be selected for Japan and to be part of such an amazing team of talented artists. LED Lenser Japan has outfitted me with a whole new set of tools to push the limits of light painting and night photography. I have some exciting night shoots coming up and these new tools will definitely help me realize my goals. このたび光栄なことにフラッシュライトで世界的に有名なメーカーLED Lenser (レッドレンザー)の日本オフィシャルアンバサダーに任命されました。世界で7名任命された中の1人として、とても光栄に思います。早速数々のライトがLED Lenser Japanより送られてきました。高性能のライトにより、よりよいライトペインティングやナイトフォトグラフィーが撮影できます。今後の撮影がとても楽しみです。

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I have been using LED Lenser products  exclusively for over 5 years and they are the core tools that I use to create my light paintings and night photographs. I have found them to be the most reliable brand on the market. After other brands constantly breaking and failing out in the field I decided to use LED Lenser exclusively. When working in the dark lights take a large amount of abuse. They get dropped, soaking wet, frozen, and generally banged up. I have never ever had a LED Lenser fail me in the field or ever stop working. I still have and use every light that I have ever purchased from them. Below are some of the lights that I have used up until now. ライトペインティングやナイトフォトグラフィーの撮影のメインツールにレッドレンザーのフラッシュライトを愛用して5年以上になります。レッドレンザーのフラッシュライトは現在市場で販売されているフラッシュライトの中で一番信頼性の高いブランドです。暗闇での撮影中にはライトを落としたり、濡らしたりと乱雑な環境での使用となりますが、レッドランザーのライトでそれが問題になったことは一度もありません。下記の写真は私が初めて購入してから今まで使用しているレッドランザーライトです。

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Below is an image I made in 2013 which is single frame was made using 3 different LED Lenser products. Let me tell you a little about how I made it and what products I used. In this image I wanted to capture the Milky Way with someone underneath seemingly grabbing a star from it. I had to keep the exposure short to limit the motion in the stars. First I got the exposure for the sky which was f/2, ISO1600, for 20 seconds. When I knew the exposure for the sky I could work on adding some light painting to the foreground.  I posed the model and realized I only had 20 seconds to do the light painting so I set the timer on the camera to start the exposure after 10 seconds which we give me enough time to get into position. I used a LED Lenser T7 to light the model from behind for a few seconds which also cast light on the grass. I then made the sparkle in his hand with a LED Lenser V9 by pointing it directly into the lens of the camera. The final light was a LED Lenser P3 AFS which was used to make the blue trail from the hand to out of the frame. The blue color came from a blue plastic bag which was used to dim the light. A few lights can make some pretty cool effects!

どのように撮影したのかを説明しましょう。この写真では天の川をキャプチャーし、天の川の下で誰かがあたかも星をつかもうとしているようなイメージを撮りたいと思いました。星が動くため、露出をできるだけ短くする必要があったので、はじめに空の露出はISO1600, F/2に設定しました。空の露出を設定した後、フォアグランドにライトペインティングを足しました。使用したライトはレッドレンザーT7、V9、P3の3種類のライトのみです。数種類のライトを使用するだけでかなりクールなエフェクトが可能です。

The Dream Catcher

As an Ambassador I am happy to help you with anything related to LED Lenser. Please feel free to contact me via the contact page or through social media in English or Japanese. I will be posting product reviews and tutorials in the near future so please stay tuned for those! I will also be able to hold contests and workshops with LED Lenser product give-aways.



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