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Night Drive with LED Lenser’s X21.2R


This fall has been insanely busy for tdubphoto and I could not be happier. I traveled to Okinawa to teach a workshop, Jon traveled to Okinawa to teach a workshop, we scored our biggest contract to date and I became an official ambassador for LED Lenser. I have used their lights religiously for over 5 years so I was more than happy to join 6 other people in the world to form the ambassador team.


Last night the skies were clear so I decided to ignore the piled up work and go take some night shots. I have not been out shooting in ages and I just needed a couple hours to escape. We went to Gokei Valley which is a small gorge known for its colorful fall maple leaves.


I had an image in my head of light passing through a tunnel of fall foliage. Gokei was the perfect place for this. I figured I should be able to just drive my car through and the headlights would provide the light for the scenery and the taillights would provide the light trail. I had my camera set to f/5.6, ISO 400 and 14 seconds. The area was pitch black so the shutter speed is not really a factor and the shutter was held open just long enough for me to pass through in my car. I first drove through away from the camera and for the second exposure I did a U-turn and then drove back towards the camera with the same settings. The results are below.


f/5.6, ISO 400, driving away from camera. Lit with only headlights. f/5.6, ISO 400, driving away from camera. Lit with only headlights.

f/5.6, ISO 400, driving towards the camera. Lit only with headlights. f/5.6, ISO 400, driving towards the camera. Lit only with headlights.

As you can see the results were less than spectacular. the headlights just were not reaching the trees up above enough. The solution was LED Lenser’s top-of-the-line X21.2R. This is a 3200lm beast that will shine brighter than your cars high beams. I drove through again but this time added in the X21.2R by pointing out the front window and up towards the trees. Again I drove away from the camera first and then did a U-turn and drove back towards camera for a second exposure. Both exposures had the X21.2R pointed out the front window of the car as I drove through. The settings are exactly the same as the shots above. Check out the diference in the shots below.

見ての通り、結果はそれほど素晴らしいものではありませんでした。ヘッドライトの明かりが周りの木々の上まで届きませでした。その解決方法がレッドレンザーのtop-of-the-line X21.2Rでした。3200lmのビーストは車のハイビームより明るいのです。もう一度レッドレンザーX21.2Rを車のフロントガラスに当てて、木々を照らしながら運転しました。前回と同じように、カメラから少し離れた所を通り抜け、その後、Uターンして運転して戻りました。運転中行きも帰りも、X21.2Rをフロントガラスより照らしました。カメラの設定は前回と全く同じままですが、下の画像からショットの出来栄えの違いを見て下さい。

f/5.6, ISO 400, Driving away from the camera. Lit with headlights and the LED Lenser X21.2R. f/5.6, ISO 400, Driving away from the camera. Lit with headlights and the LED Lenser X21.2R.

f/5.6, ISO 400, Driving towards the camera. Lit with headlights and the LED Lenser X21.2R. f/5.6, ISO 400, Driving towards the camera. Lit with headlights and the LED Lenser X21.2R.

What do you think? It definitely looks much better with the extra light. It is amazing how the X21.2R is actually that much brighter than car headlights. This is definitely the holy grail of flashlights. If you are in the market for a light that is rechargeable, insanely powerful, with a reach of 700m, and a plethora of functions then you should check out the LED Lenser X21.2R.


Side by side, the difference is incredible. Side by side, the difference is incredible.

There is certainly lots of cool projects coming up. Out scheduled is literally packed over the next month. Catch up with us on FB to get the latest on what is going on. Any questions about this shoot, LED Lenser products or anything else, just post them in the comments below.


If you are interested we have a few LED Lenser reviews and unboxing videos on our new Youtube channel.



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